Christmas Dental Tips

Do you want a strong and healthy smile this Christmas? If so, you have come to the right blog. Today, our dentist, Dr. Lupy Gonzalez, is happy to share some tips that can help you achieve the Christmas smile you desire. Those tips are: -Don’t use your teeth to open your presents. This is important because using your teeth as... read more »

Common Oral Health Reminders: Dental Floss

  To keep your smile safe from any oral health care ailments that can arise, it is important to understand why dental floss is needed and how to use it effectively. Dental floss is an interdental cleaner designed to clean between teeth to remove plaque buildup that can lead to tooth decay, dental erosion, and gum disease. If left untreated,... read more »

The Many Uses of Dental Veneers

We hope that your New Year’s goals include your dental health, especially if you are looking to trade unwanted dental flaws for a beautiful smile. For many people, an aesthetic smile falls under the category of “someday,” but with dental veneers, you can enjoy the smile you have always wanted in no time! Dental veneers offer many uses, as well... read more »

Focus Your Oral Health Care on Dental Bonding

Have you ever heard of dental bonding? Although it is less invasive than treatments such as dental veneers or dental crowns, dental bonding is not recommended for completely capping or concealing the entirety of a tooth. Instead, dental bonding focuses on repairing the surface of a tooth with a substance that can greatly improve its function and its look. Dental... read more »

A Brief History of Dentistry

Would you believe that there is evidence that dentistry goes back as far as 12,000 BC? Archeologists have found an ancient infected tooth which contains tiny remnants of flint from an ancient dental cleaning with flint tools. The first text we have is a Sumerian manuscript from 5000 B.C. that cites “tooth worms” as the source of dental decay. However,... read more »

Are You Using Mouthwash?

Mouthwash is a good tool in any oral-health enthusiast’s tool bag. It can help you keep your oral cavity clean and your breath fresh, and it’s really not that intricate to use. Mouthwash’s primary benefit is its removal of plaque and debris from your oral cavity. The liquid substances composing mouthwash contain antibacterial compounds that wash out your oral cavity,... read more »

Sports Dentistry Can Help You Protect Your Smile and Keep it in Tip-Top Shape

Sports dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the prevention and treatment of oral injuries and oral diseases associated with exercise and sports. It is quite beneficial when you play high-contact sports, like basketball, football, soccer, wrestling, etc. It can help you keep your smile and oral health in tip-top shape. When you think of sports injuries, you... read more »

Upgrade Your Summer Smile with Oral Health Care Methods

It is important to always look for new and effective ways to improve your smile. This includes upgrading your cleaning tools, adjusting your lifestyle habits, and improving your oral health care treatments. Listed below are highly effective methods that are both safe and efficient for improving your smile: - Limit the intake of foods and drinks that can damage your... read more »

A Loose Dental Bridge Needs Treatment from a Dentist

Replacing a missing tooth often calls for Dr. Lupy Gonzalez to install a dental bridge. A bridge is a solid piece of dental work which is cemented onto anchoring abutments created from the two neighboring teeth. There are rare instances when complications from poor oral hygiene or an accidental oral trauma can weaken this bond. This can cause one or... read more »