You probably know about some of the more common dental issues, such as cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. Similarly, you probably know that you should visit your dentist to avoid these types of issues. Still, what would you do if you had black hairy tongue? While a black hairy tongue is a real condition, it is typically harmless and fairly easy to reverse.
You see, black hairy tongue is caused when too much yeast or bacteria grows in your mouth. On your tongue are papillae, which are tiny rounded projections. Unfortunately, bacteria can build up on your papillae, which stops them from shedding like they normally do. If this happens, your papillae can grow to fifteen times their normal length and create hair-like texture. Sadly, pigments from the foods you eat and the beverages you drink can stain your papillae, turning them black.
However, there are other conditions that make you more susceptible to a black hairy tongue. You see, poor oral hygiene, smoking, drinking lots of coffee or tea, the use of some antibiotics, dehydration, and radiation therapy can lead to this problem.
Fortunately, you can prevent this issue by simply practicing sound oral hygiene. In other words, please brush twice a day for two minutes at a time. You can also try double rinsing, which is rinsing your mouth with one part hydrogen peroxide and five parts water. Afterwards, simply rinse your mouth with water.
If you think you may have black hairy tongue syndrome, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our dentist, Dr. Lupy Gonzalez, and the team will assess your individual needs and offer you the best solution possible. To schedule an appointment with us, please call Clearpoint Dentistry at 281-487-2400. We are eager to receive your call.